Description of Tax Reclamation Processes


The Bank of New York Mellon, as Depositary, (“BNY Mellon”) includes in its cash distribution announcements any applicable tax to be withheld. Investors can receive their dividend income at a treaty-reduced rate if there is an available tax reclamation process. Please note that the tax reclamation process, filing requirements and timing vary by market. BNY Mellon makes available three (3) processes for certain markets, whereby the investors can opt to receive their dividend at the treaty-reduced rates. Many countries, including the U.S., have Double Taxation Treaties ("DTTs") with other countries. DTTs may apply based upon residency or entity status (e.g. individuals, pension and/or charity). Generally, treaty benefits may be available to U.S. and Non-U.S. holders enabling them to receive dividend income at the treaty-reduced rate rather than the statutory tax rate.

  • Relief at Source – an immediate process which allows investors to receive their dividend income at the treaty-reduced rate on the US Payable Date
  • Quick Refund – an intermediate refund process which occurs directly after the US Payable Date or 3-6 months thereafter
  • Long Form (standard reclaim) – a longer process which occurs after the dividend payable date and up to the statute of limitation in the respective market

For information regarding Tax Reclaim, please contact: